Most countries want to improve standard of living through economic development; however, others think social value is lost as a result. Do you think the advantages of economic development outweigh the disadvantages? (10.02.20)
那什么是social value呢?只重视经济发展,Social value缺失的话到底会是什么样的结果呢?
去年英国首相卡梅伦深情挽留苏格兰的演讲中很好地给我们诠释了什么是British value。 Fairness. Freedom.Justice.并且卡梅伦教我们在发展经济的时候,还应该继续让我们的生活have dignity and worth. 如果为了冲刺人们的生活水平, 社会价值缺失的话, 就会出现许多不好的现象,比如 人们就会“walk on by when people are sick”,医院就会“ask for
your credit card in the hospital,”政府就会“turn our backs when you get old and frail”以及“turn a blind eye or a cold heart to people around the world who are desperate and crying out
for help.”
By 雅思写作组LEO老师